
Hyper-Personalization: How to Integrate It into My Business?

Noralina Céspedes

Web Content and Social Media Manager

21 DE July DE 2023 - 4 minutes of reading

Hyperpersonalization is a trend created by consumers themselves It is a strategy where a company’s services and products are tailored to the specific needs of each customer. This means treating each individual as a unique segment, rather than using traditional segmentation methods, where groups are typically separated based on their purchase history or geographical locations.

These actions are taken to ensure that customers feel satisfied with what they receive, fostering loyalty towards the brand and ultimately increasing conversion rates and long-term growth.

According to Deloitte, hyperpersonalization is “the most advanced way companies can target an individual consumer.” Meanwhile, McKinsey understands that 71% of consumers are demanding personalization, and 76% of customers get frustrated when a company fails to personalize its offerings. It is predicted that these solutions will grow fivefold in the next 6 years.

Why is hyperpersonalization important??

  • The needs of yesterday’s customers are not the same as today’s.
  • We have greater ease in obtaining the data we need.
  • Competition never sleeps, and with the use of new technologies, it is easier to gather precise data to offer users what they want and need. Those who don’t embrace these new technologies get left behind.

Currently, 76% of customers feel frustrated when a company does not personalize its offers.

In which sectors is hyperpersonalization being used?

The reasons mentioned above have led banks and the healthcare sector to invest their resources in solutions that leverage hyperpersonalization, using AI to understand customers’ preferences and offering services and products based on their desires.

Some examples of hyperpersonalization that we experience today can be seen in streaming companies, where they recommend programs, series, or movies based on our viewing history, ratings, or interactions. We also witness it in the interactions of banks and financial systems, when they remind us of a payment or display the available funds on a bank card.

How to integrate hyperpersonalization into my company?

A hyperpersonalized marketing strategy driven by AI is the solution to the challenges faced by sales and marketing departments in companies. To effectively implement this strategy and integrate it into the customer journey, you need to utilize data algorithms to drive the desired results.

Where to start…

  • Begin with one area at a time: It’s not advisable to apply everything at once. Instead, it’s better to select one area, work on it, and once you see results, move on to others.
  • Automate and employ AI: To implement hyperpersonalization techniques, you need automation and data analysis tools.
  • Always use transparency with customers: Ensure they do not feel deceived and continue to trust your services and products.
  • Uphold ethics as an essential part: If sensitive data is used, inform the users about it.
  • Collect relevant data for your business: Gather information about customer preferences, what they look for when making purchases, their active social media platforms, location, etc. Utilize various sources like surveys, forms, and other resources to gather this data.
  • Analyze the collected data and make modifications: It’s crucial to measure and adjust continuously.
  • Segment your customers: Use precise and smaller segments, selecting individuals with similar characteristics to achieve more accurate results.
  • Provide personalized recommendations: Offer relevant content for your ideal customers, such as personalized emails, text messages, and other communication focused on each segment.

Benefits of using AI in my company’s marketing:

Cost reduction: By understanding exactly what the customer wants and offering it to them, the cost of acquisition and retention significantly decreases. There is also an opportunity to automate the workflow, reducing the time invested in each phase of the process, with the advantage of automation.

Increase profits: With the ability to create content based exclusively on the data obtained, marketing efforts become more precise and effective, hitting the target with accuracy. This results in content and product recommendations tailored to each user’s preferences, leading to specific offers.

In conclusion, the use of hyperpersonalization improves the user experience by showing them exactly what they are looking for, based on their journey, with dynamic website presentations and real-time segmentation.


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